My first application happens to be IMD, I wished it otherwise as everyone says that the first app is usually not the best work. It was exhausting working on the essays. 11 essays with only 1230 char limit was not easy. I always thought it was more difficult to write longer essays and I was proven wrong. The worse thing was that I had to finish it in 10 days. With deadline of 1st August and my GMAT done only on 14th July I thought I should apply for the last round - 1st Sept. I mailed IMD adcom and they encouraged me to apply for 1st aug. Not many docs needed so I sent the docs before submitting the app. The pain was that I was traveling from 29th july onwards which worked well in a way that I had a friend who helped edit my essays. We started working saturday afternoon and with some breaks went until 5 in the morning. We still had one essay to go. Since I was meeting this group of friends after long, we wanted to go out. Without sleep we drove down to this place about 2 hours away and got back only by 2 in the afternoon. With no energy it was not possible for anyone to think. I knew what I wanted to write in the remaining essay but it was only one shot, did not have time for revisions. I reached airport at 5 in the eve on sunday, 1st august with only an hour of sleep. My brains were working and eyes open, picked some coffee and got working on the essay. It didn't take me long because I knew what I wanted to write and had the points laid out.
I reached home all tired and the worst thing happened. My internet wouldn't work, nothing fixed it. So 11 in the night I took out my switched phones, installed software to connect internet on the comp using my phone. The speed was bad and it took me what felt like ages to get the essays saved. There was barely any revision time and my eyes refused to stay open so I gave up after a point and submitted.
I don't think they were bad, the ideas were good but I might have messed some language at places. I know people would call me stupid to have stayed up and go for drive when I had an app to complete and that too for the b school thats on top of my list. I know the app could be better but I don't want to take another look at it to see how good or bad it was. If I get interview call I'll look at it again. I hope I do get a call.
Its tough, never lived outside India, 4th round applicant, Indian, and not the best app I could've done. I have my pluses too, hope they get noticed. Got my fingers crossed.
Next is IIMA PGPX. Deadline is 10th August but its more objective an app, this wkend!
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