Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Frozen toes

Its sunny outside but even a little cold in the air combined with fear of not getting my MBA apps right has had my toes cold almost all the time for the last week.
Progress so far is little because I keep deleting everything I do. I did make progress in my NYU Stern essays this morning. Got the draft done for one of them.

So in january I'm aiming to apply to -

* Johnson at Cornell
* Duke Fuqua
* Darden
* NYU Stern
* HEC (with some luck and effort)

Two major things happened this last week -

First, I attended webinterview with Sara Neher. Now I know a little more about Darden. It was a killing session in the middle of the night. I had a few questions which I got good answers to and more through other's questions. The best hour spent on Darden research. The audio is available here -

I looked up for other schools I'm applying to and here is a transcript and audio for Cornell -

Second was a question I posted on forum for profile evaluation and help with school selection. I was impressed with the answer I got. It was realistic and told me of the glaring challenges in my profile. The response was from mbamission. The consultant told me which schools were unrealistic and this has helped me shortlist. I have wanted Stanford for like forever but I guess I just wanted to hear a no to drop it from my list of schools I'm considering.

For my school research, I'm also regular on and blogs to help me with school research. But the biggest resource is always businessweek. I was able to read through some sample essays and realized that mine are not too bad which is encouraging and a bit scary at times. There are so many good people out there and I have my moments of self doubt which is not a good thing to happen.

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