Sunday, January 16, 2011

NYU essay 3

What happens when you submit one of ur apps... Till now I thot of the next app or waited anxiously for result. Ystrd after submitting my NYU stern app I felt relaxed. It was a long stressful time that kinda ended or I at least a break from writing essays. I had been writing essays for so long and like crazy for past month and half. So I do have one more app to do but I thot I deserved a Sunday after a 10 hour work sched n apps aft that.
On the most interesting stern essay 3. I love doing creative stuff but I might have liked it without nexus I sumo what will be perceived by adcom as good bad interesting or what

Here's what I did-

List things that define me, i did three categories - values, interests and me

Two values that matter the most to me and why it is so. My inheritance.

Three interests that have been wit me for long

The I realized there were these little things that define me and I had no place to put them. Tis is where t third category on me came in. It had all my little pleasures like I love cooking n eating and that I go for salsa. The last was about New York and how I feel about it.

Now that I had the content I had to figure how to present it. I had to think what is me and is easy for me to do. And add theme to it. The theme I had idea like draw warli art or do caricatures. And then I realized I cud use poetry to describe me. Not an original idea, I remember hearing someone had done it already for smthing. But it resonated wit me... N I went for it. Piked out lines from famous writers from my fav writers mostly. Now came how do I do this, I was split between video and picture blog. Picture blog was simple but I thot video wud look nice. And I wanted to do smoothing I cud do n not get smone else to do it for me. Its my essay n I wanted it to be credible.

And like everything I did this last day. The problem till last minute was that I had content, I had some pics but didn't visualize it with the story I had written. So I worked wit my frend who had a video editing software on his comp and his wife for artistic suggestions. N we worked all nite. Spent about 10 hours on the video and more on story, pics selection, music search, production, upload n random.

Proud of the outcome and shared wit some friends, bro n sis who loved it... Nyu is t app I felt most confident submitting n it sure was t most stressful wit work pressures n short edit time.

So that was abt my nyu essay 3, I hope I get thru n am able to actually share wit my classmates

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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