Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Post admission - preparing for the move

In the next few posts I'll write about my preparation to move - Visa, Loans, Travels, Connecting with alum, Summer job, Part time work options, Driving License, Accom etc.

The first thing that hit me is that I won't be earning for an year. Trust me the impact of this is much higher when you come closer to jumping in, nothing can prepare you for this feeling. The impact is worse if you have been working for long! Suddenly the entire life will change from earning and living lavishly to studying. Moreover, my course is lot more academic which is a huge transition considering last I went to school was 10 years back and that too I did not do much subjective work.
I always thought I would quit my job a few months earlier, travel India and then move out. The entire perspective is now shifted to working till last minute, take 20 days before travel to pack and shift to my hometown, spend time with my parents and then head out.

The first step is to make a list of things to do -

* Visa - Applications have to go 3 months before date of travel so I have to wait till July
* Loans - Doesn't look complicated as I don't have to fund a two year MBA at a big B-School. (For those considering going to B schools, think this over very carefully)
* Driving License - haven't even started to find out how this works
* Accommodation - Connected with seniors and applied for school halls (they look good)
* Travel tickets - haven't decided the date, planning to block tickets already
* Part time work options - no clue yet!
* Alumni connections - already started on this, they are very helpful
* Sell my stuff - I have loads of things I'll have to sell before I shift including about 200 books! Will have to hold this till I get my visa and then go through the last month selling mania
* Meet people - family and friends I want to meet before I travel


  1. Hey, Congratulations for your admit to LSE and deciding to pursue Masters in organization and social psychology...the program seems to be interesting!!

    Wish you all the best. Looks like you have a very busy schedule ahead as you are preparing for the move :)

  2. MBA preparation and ramblings Blog information is so Good.
